Sunday, April 5, 2009

April Snow

I can't believe this snow, it is two months away from summer. I love the snow and all but it is April. What are your thoughts on the snow?


  1. Not a big fan of the snow (as you could tell by my blog post yesterday), but I know Spring is almost here. The light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter, but there seems to be some pesky snow flakes that want to stick around a little longer than usual. In a few weeks, we'll totally forget the long winter (or at least I hope). Nice looking blog!

  2. I don't really like the snow. If there was a big blizzard it would be fun, but if it melts in like 5 hours it's not as fun.

  3. I like the snow, but when it is Spring and it snow it's not as fun as in the winter. It makes it look like it is still winter outside when it is Spring.

